Meet Dr. Emmanuel Anekwe

Meet Dr. Emmanuel Anekwe

A varicose vein specialist and certified by the American Board of Venous and Lymphatic Disease. He is adept in performing a wide range of endovascular procedures which include arterial and venous interventions of the extremities.

Great emphasis is placed on varicose vein disease management in his practice, where extensive and detailed vascular evaluations are performed daily.

Make an Appointment

Free Initial Vein Screening

We are pleased to offer Free Vein Screenings to help start examining if varicose veins and spider veins can be causing your leg pain, aching, heaviness, or swelling. Make an appointment today!

Date of Birth (required for patient record look up)

Clinic Location (pick a location for your appointment)

clinic hours

Mon - Fri: 7:30AM - 4:30PM
Sat: 7:30AM - 2PM (West Clinic Only)
Sun: Closed